Title: Dyslexia Episode 3: The Creative Side with Artist and Advocate Mike Juggins
URL: https://youtu.be/_XozsnO9kbs
Dyslexia Strengths and Advocacy with Artist Mike Juggins and Dr. Erica Warrren at Go Dyslexia - This podcast feature artist, videographer, and dyslexia advocate, Mike Juggins. Mike has worked tirelessly to raise a greater understanding and appreciation of dyslexia and other learning differences. Joining us from Devon, England, Mike takes us on a tour of his free website, Dyslexic DaDa, that celebrates the strengthens of dyslexia. In addition, he offers stories, strategies, technology tips and more.
Resources mentioned:
1 Dyslexia: What it is all About: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDUfVCo6ito
2 The Gift Dyslexia – Mike Juggins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDDP9Oeag3g
3 Dyslexic Dada: http://www.dyslexicdada.com/
4 Inspiration: http://www.inspiration.com/
5 Zoom Video Conferencing: http://www.zoom.us/
6 Irlen Colored Glasses: http://irlen.com/
7 Mike Juggins Art: http://www.mikejuggins.co.uk/
URL https://youtu.be/_XozsnO9kbs
A BREAKDOWN of This Video:
01:18 What makes you a dyslexia expert?
01:53 You have this incredible website, Dyslexic DaDa. Can you tell us more about that?
04:04 What does the site offer for individuals with dyslexia?
07:05 Tour of Mike’s site Dyslexic DaDa
13:12 You have said that being dyslexic makes you a better artist. What do you mean by that?
23:01 Accepting the label of disabled gets you the academic support.
24:18 What are some of the key assistive technology devices that you have used that have helped you succeed?
29:59 What can dyslexics do to be successful in this world?
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Dr. Erica Warren
Learning Specialist, Educational Therapist, Author, Podcaster, Vlogger and Course Creator.
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCClFDLZtuJD99TBMGxb-ekw?view_as=public
Monthly Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1CYVT79
Private practice: http://learningtolearn.biz
Online store: http://www.goodsensorylearning.com/
Blog: http://learningspecialistmaterials.blogspot.com/
Dyslexia resources: http://www.dyslexiamaterials.com
Dyslexia video podcast, video blogs, & resources: https://www.godyslexia.com